Appearance: Pours hazy, on the verge of chestnut brown with
Aroma: A very light aroma, a little difficult to distinguish characteristics. Presence of sweet chocolate malts that are complemented by biscuit and caramel undertones. Noticeable presence of musky and earthy aromas too.
Taste: Very simple and mild. The preceding aroma sets you up for it. Overall malt sweetness reminiscent to mild chocolate, followed by certain toasted nutty flavors. Finishes with a musky and slightly metallic aftertaste that I notice is disappearing with each sip. Slight bitterness to the finish, but the hops were not overly prominent.
Mouthfeel: Slightly watery and thin, low carbonation but decent amount that complements the flavors to some degree.
Overall Impression: It was really drinkable thanks to the mild flavors, low alcohol and the amount of carbonation that complemented the flavor profile. I just found myself wishing something surprised me, a stand-out flavor or something.
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