Appearance: It is a nice hazy golden yellow hue with a little bit of yeast settlement in the bottom of the glass. An off-white, frothy head leave traces of lacing on the side of the glass. Disappears after time.
Aroma: The aroma has a lot of spice throughout: coriander and clove are the main contributors. Combined with the presence of earthy and estery tones. Not much of a hop characteristic in the aroma.
Taste: Light-tasting. There's a bit of lemon zest followed by spiciness from coriander and clove. Body is made up of a wheat malt base complemented by a semi-tart finish. Some lingering lemony bitterness mixed with a light citrus hop bitterness.
Mouthfeel:Fairly clean and creamy texture that helps it go down smoothly. Lighter body and fairly refreshing.
Overall Impression: It was very drinkable and I enjoyed the strong presence of spice, zest and semi-tartness to balance the wheat malt flavors. I hope we get more of this in the QC for the summer. If I have to make the trip to Chicago, so be it.
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