Friday, March 25, 2011

Farm Girl Saison

Tasted following a day brewing Roller Dam Red at Great River, followed by a track workout of repeat 400's. Enjoyed with the curried vegetables and quinoa that Kate and Elise gave me after last nights beer tasting. Found this in the cooler at work.

Appearance: A bright pale yellow color with a soap/foam white head that is well sustained. Clarity is maximal making the aggressive carbonation completely visible as it sporadically and quickly rises. Some wet lacing glazes the sides of the glass.
Aroma: spicy and lemony with some hints of clove and yeast. Bready malt and light subtle notes of coriander. Belgian yeast character at the finish with farmhouse and phenols that help round it out. Citrusy.
Taste: Sweet honey and lemon zest at the bill with other spiced characteristics that were noted above. The orange comes out more in the flavor as well. Phenols dominate the end but in a very subtle manner that makes this beer all the more enjoyable. There are undertones of sourness in the mid taste that helps lay down a nice balance to the Belgian yeastiness and the spicing that it incorporates. Some wheatiness as well as the outer inside of a watermelon, in a bittering respect. Hops are neutral under the other predominating complexities.
Mouthfeel: Light and smooth but crispy and refreshing. The texture is a little cloying, but still leaves a rather clean palate. Carbonation provides a brief bite to the tongue, but nothing more to deter.
Overall Impression: I actually was really appreciative of this Saison. In all reality, I've had very few, but this one stands out. I enjoyed the nice light feel, with a flavorful taste and complexity to be bargained with. Very drinkable. Perhaps with age this beer developed to its optimal potential.


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