Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lilja's HellHound Brown Ale

Tasted after Thanksgiving dinner which also followed a 20 mile run thhhrough Galena (under 2:10 (6:30 pace)) I was still in a caloric deficit and didn't want to stuff my face with food (though the organic Shepherds Pie was good!). So I loaded up a couple reviews as everyone was in a food coma and passing out. Purchased from the Wine and Cheese place at the South end of down town Galena.

Appearance: Mahogany brown with a rubied hue when held to the light. The head starts a strong white with an inch stature, but quickly dissipates into a thin film with larger speckled (eyes) bubbles throughout. Lacing is wet. Relatively clear aside for the color inhibition. Carbonation can still be observed.
Aroma: Faint grain and toasted malt is present against a semi sweetened almost acidic roasty undertone. Some minimal fruit elements appear too along with toffee and nuts.
Taste: Starts nutty, complemented by a rich toasted sweetness. Second to appear is a subtle acidity and alcohol, paralleled by a prominent roasted character near the end. I can pick out a faint bitterness at the finish that reminds me of tannins and grain husk/or lignan. What remains on the palate is the neutral bitterness that is extremely long lasting. Almost leaf/grass like. As it warms, the beer becomes more bittersweet, yet still maintaining a flavorful foretaste and a very drying, bittered finish.
Mouthfeel: Body is medium but still provides a robust texture, complemented by a frothy carbonation. Very smooth going down and invitingly refreshing. Crisp to the finish, prolonged aftertaste.
Overall Impression: Between the beginning and end, the beer maintains the same repertoire of flavor, yet still manages to restart every sip, making this beer a continuous enjoyment that draws one back. Alcohol is well masked. Quite the complex beer, and one of the few Nut Brown Ale's I've had recently (Ale Asylum's Madtown Nut Brown too!) that I find myself enjoying.


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