Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pilsner Beer

Tasted Tuesday Evening with Josh and Jen while discussing what to make for dinner and the terrifying logistics of student loans...

Appearance: Light straw in color with a very subtle haze, otherwise the beer remains quite clear. The head isn't substantial as it remains just filmed with a soapy consistency over the surface of the beer. Dry styrafoam like lacing coats the sides of the glass. Carbonation is aggressive and paralleled to soft drink.
Aroma: Lemon zest and herbal elements make up most of the overall scent. Relatively bready along with a mild grain husk malt bill. Some notes of dried leaves derived from the combination of malt and hops permeates the nostrils. Generally, quite grainy. Even a bit stale smelling.
Taste: The malt backbone isn't acknowledged until the very end in the form of light biscuit malt and bready complexity. However the panorama of flavor sways more towards a very grainy taste than what I'd expect from most pilsners. Some lemon character emerges at the end along with a floral hop bitterness. As the beer warms, more of the malt is present. Some butteriness to the beer though making me think...low notes of diacetyl.
Mouthfeel: Very light body with a bit of at the end. The carbonation is very strong, spiking the tongue as it travels past the palate. Definitely felt as it goes down. Thus, mouthfeel is aggressively textured
Overall Impression: I wasn't very excited about the graininess of this beer. It fell along more of the parameters of tasting old than being fresh and crisp.  Not one of Schlafly's bests.


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