Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lost Gold IPA

Received from a fellow home brewer during the meeting on Sunday. I got a chance to taste it on Thursday evening following an 8 mile run home from work and while cleaning the house and preparing a chili rice dish for dinner. Pint served

Sound: Not much of a spritz/pop when I opened the bottle.
Appearance: Certainly a indisputable golden color with a spotted film across the surface. The pour didn't produce too much by way of carbonation at first glance, but within the glass, one would say otherwise. Lacing is wet, and stays close to the surface of the beer. Some haze is present.
Aroma: I can draw faint notes of honey for a sweetness. Aside from that, the nose gets a large dose of lemon and pine related scents. Very fresh and very clean smelling
Taste: Lemon zest all the way, with a hint of acidity in the second half that almost puckers the jaw, and I certainly don't see this as a drawback. Along with the carbonation, there erupts a fresh yellow grapefruit taste, paralleled by pineapple and other sweet resined tropical fruits. The finish is piney and dry, but enough to allow some tropical sweetness to remain on the tongue. Overall this beer is quite bitter, and lacking a malt backbone, though I can appreciate the large dose
Mouthfeel: Light body with a minimal carbonation, but to allow a peak spike to coincide with the bite of the hops in the back half of the beer. The finish is very drying and bitter.
Overall Impression: This is in a category that few can match. It lacks a large malt base, but makes up for it in a citrusy kind of sweetness while maintaining a very dry and refreshing feel. Grapefruit, lemon and pineapple. I could drink this all summer!

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