Thursday, September 23, 2010

XP Pale Ale

This one starts off my 3rd log book, of which I had the opportunity to try on my last day of summer in chicago.

Appearance: Darker than most pale ales, yet more of an orange rubied color with an off white bubbly head that resembles cool whip (ya know, texture wise).
Aroma: Strong nutty smell that also resembles traits of fresh cut grass - herbaceous and highly aromatic
Taste: First taste is really almondy with hints of grapefruit and fig with yeasty foretaste that develops the 3rd sip.Gradually there are biscuit tones and caramel toffee notes that come through the chaos of complex, yet appealing flavors. There's a roastiness of barley and even some hints of chocolate that can be acknowledged. Perhaps crystal 60 and caramel malts really contribute to the flavorful complexity and overall balance.
Mouthfeel: Drinkable, but smooth and delectably coating the tongue.
Overall Impression: The sweetness and balance in hop bitterness to formulate this complex beer is nothing I've really encountered before. The alcohol completes this brew giving it a uniquely crisp yet remaining finish that has me craving more. The Best.


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