Monday, June 6, 2011

Domaine Dupage French Style Country Ale

Thanks to Elise Meyer for bringing a bunch of two brothers to the dinner party last night. I had thought I had reviewed this one, as I'm more than well acquainted with the Two Brother's beer. But I guess not. Tasted Monday afternoon prior to a Bryan Kest yoga session.

Appearance: Dark bronzed amber with a sudsy off white head that maintains a soft surface, but is held up by very large bubbles. Dissipation s quick but still leaves a dense covering. Primarily cloudy but with an underlying deep glow. Carbonation is still visible against the side of the glass.
Aroma: Very mellow sweet caramel and candied sugar. Some yeast breadiness hints the nose. A bit of corn is present as well. The emphasis here is on the malt and what the yeast strain produced from fermentation. Biscuit present as well. Nevertheless, the aroma is very minimal and difficult to put a description to.
Taste: Caramel and toasted malt encapsulate the malt backbone. Much of it doesn't fully blossom until the second half of the taste where the alcohol comes in and aids in the encouragement of more complex flavors. Belgian candy sugar must have helped with the attenuation. Hops are noble and drying, yet mellow and de-emphasized. Rich fruit esters and flavors permeate through in the form of plums and raisins, and even figs. Some yeast funk is present as well as tannins and woody flavors which preside in the aftertaste, and is prolonged into the back of the throat. Alcohol warms the chest.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with a stickiness to the lips. Carbonation is perfectly integrated to lightly fizz the tongue at just the right moment as the alcohol and hops emerge releasing a burst of new flavors. Still, quite drying.
Overall Impression: I certainly see this pairing well with many cheeses, particularly Roquefort and other bleu cheeses. Malt profile is a central theme, though it isn't necessarily a completely dominitive one. Nevertheless it is well balanced and delicate tasting.


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