Tasted following my interview. Purchased from Binny's from a brewery in Southern California that must have started distributing out here in the last six months because I have never seen it before. Fun Fact: it is certified organic from the CCOF.

Appearance: Color is a brownish-amber that poured with a frothy tan head. Some retention, but not a whole lot. Hazy with visible, active carbonation. Some wet lacing on the side of the glass that quickly sinks back into the brew. Yeast congregates on the bottom of the glass.
Aroma: Mainly malty and has a sweet biscuit aroma. Caramel and a woody character adds to the character. Complemented by a dark fruit like cherries. Almost a slight hint of hazelnut and perhaps a butter-like quality. Overall, quite fragrant.
Taste: The beginning has a slight malt body complemented by breadiness and a hint of caramel. Tangy quality, reminiscent of the flavor produced by wild fermentation, slight presence of dark fruit and has a floral/herbal aspect in the finish. Chocolate malt permeates from the underlevels of the beer. Better from the bottle than in the glass. Picking out diacetyl flavor during each sip. Slight hop bitterness near the finish, but nothing special.
Mouthfeel: Light/medium body with moderate carbonation that becomes flat after a half hour. Leaves a sour kind of aftertaste in your mouth and throat.
Overall Impression: Truthfully, the six pack I picked up may have been a little outdated (it was dusty..) which could contribute to some of the stale flavors that shouldn't have been there. In any case, this wouldn't be a beer that ages well! Unfortunately, the bottles do not have a "Bottled On" date to refer to... If I had to drink it again or recommend it to someone, I would suggest trying this beer as a pint, single bottle, sharing it, etc before purchasing a six-pack (again).
Jen: 66/100
Tim: 79/100
Note: Check back for a rating from Tim once I get this beer to him!
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