Friday, September 30, 2011

Oak Aged Hatter I.P.A.

Tasted with Caley and Trevor Friday afternoon at the brewery after we got all our stuff done, which included kegging out a whole tank of pale, shining tanks and cleaning the filter. Thanks to Jeff for giving me this bottle a couple months ago.

Appearance: Coppered amber with a bit of a coppered hue. Looks relatively still with a couple bubbles arising here and there.  The head is present in the very beginning, but soon after is non-existent with hardly a ring around the edges. Some wet lacing.
Aroma: Citrus hop presence with a biscuity malt scent. The malt sweetness is a big factor as it blossoms with an undertoned nuttiness and and accompanied vanilla. Dates and figs present.
Taste: Biscuit and caramel emerge again as a very prominent element of the backbone. Nicely sweetened. By the midtaste the vanilla permeates the taste buds along with a woody oak flavor. Dark roasted fruit can even be The ending rounds out with a mild citrus hop complexity finishing slightly grassy but fresh and complex. The aftertaste is refreshingly biscuity with a touch of that hoppy grassiness. As the beer warms, more a tannic and viney element emerges.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with a slimmer carbonation, but still leaving a foaming presence on the back of the tongue. Finish is dry as it's paralleled with a tackiness on the lips.
Overall Impression: Excruciatingly balanced! I thought this beer would be a lot heavier and alcoholic, but it was neither. In fact it was highly drinkable and even refreshing, while still maintaining the complexity that the oak barrels encouraged.

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