Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mojo Risin Double IPA

Thanks to Josh Schipp and Rob Liva for getting a couple craft packs of the looking glass series, earlier this summer. I finally got around to reviewing it with Thomas Christian this afternoon while waiting to head to practice.

Appearance: Copper in color with a light frothy off white head. Some intermittent soapy bubbles present as well. Subtle haze. Looks relatively still.
Aroma: Bigger malt sweetness present along with a minor estery scent. I draw out notes of grapefruit and toffee followed by a interesting floral fruitiness. The malt is still prominent throughout, and tends more towards a graininess as it warms.
Taste: Huge caramel malt backbone and toasted undertone. This IPA boasts a tremendous grain sweetness that borders on under-attenuated worty character. This beer seems like it's not really trying to do too much, where some styles punch through with an out of the ordinary element such as hops of malt. There is a mild burn from the alcohol at the very end, but is complemented with a very neutral, but slightly leafy bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Bigger bodied and a thick textured mouthfeel wit a residual sweetness that leaves a tackiness to the lips. The Carbonation is extremely light, but is presented in amplifies form in complement with the bitterness. A bit sappy and dry as the beer leaves the mouth
Overall Impression: A beer to be paired with food. otherwise I think the beer had a big hop/malt balance, but was overall relatively bland. Very worty.


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