Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oatmeal Stout

Tasted following a day of running and checking out the Davenport parade for Festival of Trees. Enjoyed following a late lunch with Joe and Jen at Lemongrass Cafe in Moline. I got this bottle from the Rock Island Hy-vee, as a new addition to their selection!

Appearance: Poured with a brown clarity. In the glass, much of the transparency was inhibited by color, which took on a dark molasses looking consistency, with a touch of light penetrating the edges. Little to no head in retention, while it initially maintained an accumulation of bubbles on the sides of the glass.
Aroma: Rich maltiness reminiscent of biscuits and brownies. The chocolate malt is impeccable as it pierces the nostrils with a very effervescent scent and highly apparent sweetness.
Taste: The start maintains a similar biscuity sweetness, but no sooner does the chocolate emerge, towards the end, that the beer truly blossoms with a delicate bittersweet flavor. Some roastiness is present in the after flavors, but hardly deterring. Notes of cracker crust throughout as well as, while finishing with a brief nuttiness and maple character. Definitely some oaty element within.
Mouthfeel: Lighter bubbly texture than expected, with a higher carbonation as well. Body is a tad less than medium. Frothy going down with a drying after-feel. Some (but very little) residual stickiness on the lips. Less of a body than I would have expected from an oatmeal stout.
Overall Impression: Very basic, yet flavorful stout. I found a lot of distinguishable flavors throughout this beer, which still remained quite balanced. The chocolate nuttiness was certainly a turn on, as well as the light drinkability of it. Well crafted.


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