Appearance: Right from the pour, I could tell this beer boasted a large proportion of carbonation. The head erupted immediately as I poured the beer, filling the glass before I had a chance to empty all the beer from the bottle. Nevertheless It is light and fluffy taking on a soft texture, peaks and all. Darkened amber with a rubied hue. Carbonation within is heavy and likened to a soft drink. An underlying haze is present throughout.
Aroma: Faint notes of esters are apparent in conjunction with a mild caramel malt backbone. Some herbalness. Similarly there is a touch of oxidation in this beer that makes that caramel scent a bit stale smelling.Taste: After the carbonation ceases to burn my taste buds, I can pick out a woodsy earthy flavor paralleled by more of a lighter biscuit malt foundation. However, the oxidative element I picked up in the Aroma, is even more prominent in the flavor, particularly towards the end. After having the carbonation settle (by pouring it back and forth between glasses), a mild caramel, semi chocolate sweetness emerges, though extremely subdued. Finish maintains a fruitiness to it, filling out with an aftertaste of grains.
Mouthfeel: Bubbly bite right from the start, inhibiting a lot of the flavor, way over carbonated. Body is medium light with a dry bittered feel at the very end.
Overall Impression: It's cool to see all the different directions breweries take amber ales. Some go hoppy, some malt forward, others chocolate. Nonetheless, this beer was a bit sub-par for any amber standard, especially with the oxidation, and certainly the carbonation.
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