Monday, November 21, 2011


Tasted Monday afternoon following a 16 miler to and around Sunderbruch park, I foresee it being the last of the season before the Snow starts. Enjoyed while construction the first of its kind (for me, at least: 100% organic pizza's, crust and all.
Big thanks to Justen Parris for giving me a bottle of this last night during a very enjoyable IPA tasting.

Appearance: Golden in color with a hazy look about it. The head is minimal with soapy accumulations in areas, while the rest stays as a light film across the surface. Carbonation is present.
Aroma: Therein resides a faint undertone of citrus orange zest. Beneath I find a basic biscuit/bready malt backbone that stands more apparent than what I've experienced in the aroma's of other hopped-up beers. Somewhat of a soapiness present as well.
Taste: Much of the flavor resides in the back half, while the front comes off as a bit watery. Some bread malt is there, but very minimal. This beer attenuated to its full potential, leaving little sweetness but still retaining some of it's body. Some citrus at the end, that, like the aroma, takes on an orange peel element. Similarly there is a leafy consistency too. Together there is still a prominent soapiness of which remains deterring. Even a bit of sulfur may be noted. Cascade's have had better days.
Mouthfeel: Light, but still retaining some "girth" as the carbonation punches a slight sting to the tongue, but goes down smooth and foamy. The finish is very drying, yet refreshing.
Overall Impression: I was expecting more from Ale Asylum with this one, Especially after having Ambergeddon and Madtown Nut Brown, which were two stellar beers. I found this one to be lackluster in hop character, with limited complexity and appeal.

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