Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dark Corner Ale

Thanks to Henry Lapka for delivering this beer all the way from his current location in Ann Arbor Michigan! I reviewed this following a long days work, nap and reading session of Terry Foster's book, Pale Ale. My initial reaction from the label was it was that of a homebrewers production, but google said otherwise. Snifter served.

Appearance: Dark with a turbid brown color. The head is bubbly and large, but quick to dissipate back into the beer, leaving behind a soapy residue. Carbonation clings to the inner sides of the glass. Certainly a very active beer at that.
Aroma: Musty with key notes of Brettanomyces. Some chocolate malt is apparent alongside a rich caramel malt backbone. Undertones of cherries and pears are present, along with a champagne-like essence.
Taste: Sourness is apparent, paralleled by what I assume was the original flavor of toffee, caramel and chocolate. I'd see this as more of a homebrewers product than a brewery. With a faint musty flavor upfront, I see that this could have potentially gone bad with travel. The second half still maintains a lot of its original character, I assume. With toffee and brown sugar notes, this definitely achieves a malt forward status in my books. Finishing is the subtle memory of hops and a stale roasted flavor. As it warms, more of a grainy/worty flavor emerges.
Mouthfeel: Extremely carbonated. The body is light but still conveys an element of stickiness on the lips. Carbonation bites the tongue in all areas and even spikes as it goes down.
Overall Impression: Not the best in my books. Too much was distorted by the original off flavor I got from the aroma. Certainly a would be cocoa rich and malt dominated production, but not something I see myself seeking out or buying, unless it's straight from the brewery to guarantee freshness.


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