Saturday, June 2, 2012

Centennial IPA

8th St. Grille hosted a Founders tap takeover this past Friday, June 1st. Surprisingly I have never reviewed this beer, but it's been around the block in my books many times. I attended the the event to get down some reviews. The place was crazy, jam packed with families, regular publicans thirsting for some KBS and any of the other highly desired FBC beers, as well as a complimentary band. I met a lot of cool people, including Kerry, of Saugatuk Brewing Co. I had the opportunity to get the Pale for my first pint, and finally got a seat at the bar to note down this one.  Next time I'll get their earlier to secure a seat!
7.2% ABV

Appearance: Golden amber with quite a still look to it. The head is minimal and only consisting of a thin white ring around the inner perimeter of the glass. The beer itself is semi-clear with a glowing hue (the light wasn't the best for a critical look). Lacing is brief and not sustained.
Aroma: The scent of spicy citrus permeates from the surface of the beer. Swift notes of caramel and biscuit are balanced by an later floral and subtle pine-fruit complexity. Elements of tart peaches and grapefruit carry out the finish. Overall a very well incorporated fresh hop scent.
Taste: The start emerges with a brief,indistinguishable sweetness that fuels the quenching hop profile that is to come. Secondarily and prior to the middle, grapefruit, peaches, vinous and tropical fruits assert themselves and carry on to near finishing. By now all these hints of familiarity are paralleled by a growing biscuit malt sweetness. A finishing spicing develops, reminiscent of pine spice, lemon and an ever prominent floral fresh hop fruitiness. The end is briefly biscuity with a long drawn hop (centennial/cascade) flavor in the aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Smooth, well textured body and a creamy soft consistency. Carbonation is fine and foams up during the exit into the throat. The mouth isn't left as dry as expected, but still remains refreshed an quenched. Well distribution of texture throughout the palate.
Overall Impression: Rich and oozing flavor, while not sacrificing any element towards drinkability. Pine and grapefruit are all encapsulated in an element of fresh and unfettered appeal. Moreover, the malt helps to encourage a desirable balance to control the hops from completely taking over.

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