Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jaw Jacker

Another tasting following practice, enjoyed with some curried squash and homemade oatmeal flax cookies

Appearance: Pint poured. Got all the yeast out of the bottle so it was quite hazy, pure copper color. Unable to see through the medium brown frothy filmed head. It looked like it poured thick.
Aroma: Smells slight spice but a hearty wood aroma as well as maybe some hints of yeast and cinnamon.
Taste: Allspice and nutmeg are first to come through in this beer with a remaining aftertaste that is slightly uncomfortable. Though I do find more pumpkin flavors in this beer than most, the finish is still extreme. Slight caramel flavors but are still mostly masked by a spicy finish.Woody and metalic undertones. Eh.
Mouthfeel: Thick but not tacky, more so foamy.
Overall Impression: At the last sip I found little ball-like coagulation in the bottom of the glass...perhaps yeast? Unimpressed yet again. I guess it's all relative and every pumpkin ale I've come accross is up against Southern Tiers Pumking..

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