Taste: Sweet, but strangely tart and almost sour, as if they were using a bit of vienna malt and fruit. Fortaste maintains a bit of a nutty element along with notes of brown sugar and honey. The roasty bill adds a bit of acidity which can either be interpreted as deterring, or very palatable in the sense of fruitiness and citrus. I would nearly classify this along and approaching a black IPA, but it maintains too much of an acidity, that out balances the citrus hops. The finish is dry and sweet with an after sourness of green apples - acetyladehyde.
Mouthfeel: Lighter body with a spike of carbonation and a tart dryness at the end. Carbonation is still relatively minimal while the beer itself exhibits a very liquid feel.
Overall Impression: I'm not overly impressed with this beer. The sour fruitiness and the roasted acidity paired alright, but in a sense it was still a bit deterring. The absurd amount of yeast at the bottom of the beer didn't give the right impression either.
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