Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kölsch Style Ale

Thanks to the guys at Brew Ha Ha for giving me a couple beers that I haven't tried. I waited about 2 weeks until I got around to this, which I reviewed on Sunday evening after having done nothing most of the day.

Appearance: Golden straw colored with a short lived head. Yet, there is still some retention maintained in a densely foamed ring and an accumulated film pattern in the center of the glass. Lacing silhouettes the sides. Some haze is present, but the beer still glows.
Aroma: Pungent and lagered. There is a cleanliness about this beer in a beer-smelling way. Touches of lemongrass as well as minute notes of yeast emerge upon swirl.
Taste: A very mild foretaste of light 2-row and wheat malt are picked up. Midtaste helps balance with a refreshing glimpse of hops as the beer rolls over the back of the tongue. As the carbonation begins to foam, the lemon-like Saaz hops present a fresh, yet drying taste. Some pungent yeastiness, but overall quite clean. The very finish is a bit leafy with a resinous taste, but very appealing to the palate.
Mouthfeel: Carbonation is on the higher side, but not enough to loss any flavor. Mouthfeel is smooth and creamy, yet the texture provides a crisp refreshing feel. The finish is very dry.
Overall Impression: A very well rounded light beer with a complex, but simplified flavor. Minute lemongrass-like crispness and a yeasty pungency, yet still remaining clean. Nice work again Schlafly!


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